How to write or change the frequency setpoint in easYgen-3000XT controls?
There are two convenient ways to remotely write a setpoint in EasYgen-3000XT controls.
- The first method is to use the remote frequency setpoint ID 509, which is equivalent to Modbus address 509.
An example of this method can be found in the manual:
Select "05.53 Interface f setp. [Hz]" for A1 in AM 5519 (instead of default “Internal setp.2”)
Additionally, activate the 2nd setpoint LM 12918 whenever the EasYgen needs to go for the remote interface setpoint. - The second method involves writing directly to parameter "internal freq. Setpoint 1" (ID 5500) or "Int. freq. Setpoint 2" (ID 5501).
However, this method is only recommended for pre-configuring, commissioning, or maintenance.
Important, when writing parameters directly by interface:
By default, the interfaces are write protected. You can configure it ON or OFF in the easYgen.
If it is actually ON, you first must write the log-in data through Modbus/-TCP/-RTU