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What are easYgen-3000XT-RENTAL controls?
The easYgen-3000XT-RENTAL controllers are dedicated variants for rental or mobile genset applications.
RENTAL versions have all the capability of according standard versions (baseline SW 2.12) plus
Four switchable parameter sets, for quickly and easily switch system rated values without reprogramming
Mobile systems, helpful for maintenance of continuous power source (e.g., utility substation)
Remotely switch display screens from HOME to F/V or P/Q setpoint screen, especially helpful while applying mobile systems
Period of use counter for billing purpose when renting the genset(s)
There is an easYgen-3000XT- RENTAL for each easYgen-3000XT standard item
Other products like RP3000XT, LS6-XT and GC-3400XT supported (easYgen-3400XT /3500XT Rental Packages required