
easYgen-3500 (-XT) / LS-5 - Quick Introduction - ナレッジベース / easYgen-3000XT / application - Power Generation

easYgen-3500 (-XT) / LS-5 - Quick Introduction


Regarding Breaker confuguration:

easygens’ application mode = “GCB/LS-5”;
LS-5 application mode = “LS-5”

To tell in short the basics :

In that applicaiton mode there is almost no standard operation procedure by default,
e.g. when to open the mains breaker in mains failure condition.

AMF Start does configure through configuring "Emergency Start Segments"; defines when to start the engine at mains failure (according segment numbers.

For any other action:

The LS-5 controls must be configured and commanded according to the applications' requirements –when to cloase or when to open the breaker or when to execute a transition. using e.g. "LM Enable CBA" or "-CBB" etc.

Usually we recommend to use a PLC for commanding the LS-5 for breaker actions.

We provide a possibility to exchange control bits in-between the easYgen and LS-5 controls, so we can in-directly make certain control actions.

The LS-5 devices communicate through CAN bus to CAN #3 of the easygen-3400/-3500 /-XT.

The segment number configuration must be done, so that the easYgen/LS-5 system knows the structure of desired application.

The behavior of the easygen-3500/LS-5 system depends on the configuration for the respective breakers.