If you're transitioning from an old easYgen-3000 product to its latest successor, such as the easYgen-3000XT, the Toolkit software offers a convenient feature to simplify the process. This tool can compare the configuration settings file (.WSET) of your old product and assist in converting it for use with the new easYgen-3000XT.
Please take the attached detailed documentation into account as well. (download available below this article)
Follow the steps in the screenshots below to complete the upgrade process:
This does take a few moments. Just wait till the conversion is done, and next window shows up.
Upon successful conversion there comes this note below. A log file is generated at each conversion. Just for your reference.
Click “OK” to close.
If there is no further action needed, there comes this message:
Click “Close” and you are done.
If not all parameters could be overtaken because e.g. of a pretty old easYgen version, then there comes a notification as below.
If possible it allows to “Map“ old parameters to the new version step by step. Or just click OK to check/modify the parameters directly in the wset file later.