
LeoPC1 – Quickstart Guide - ナレッジベース / LeoPC1 - Power Generation

LeoPC1 – Quickstart Guide


  1.   Required configuration cable:

  2. Software LeoPC1 is needed to connect to the controller and get access to the parameters
    (available on our webpage. Just type “leopc1” into the search line and then download it.)

  3. Configuration files needed for the appropriate part number and revision
    Get the files here:

  4. the extracted config-files consist of a *.cfg and a *.asm file.

  5. The *.cfg: copy it into the ...\LeoPC1 installation folder
    The *.asm: to folder ...LeoPC1\Tools
    If it comes *.lng: to folder …LeoPC1\lng

  6. Start LeoPC1 and ensure that the correct COM-Port is set up.
    To do so, navigate in LeoPC1-Menu to “Devices”.... “Settings”.
    Driver must be set for “Direct”, and appropriate COM-Port assigned/connected to the DPC cable must be selected.

  7. Open the respective .cfg file. (“File” ... “Open”)

  8. Click on “P”. Login window will appear; password and user is by default “system” and then a little new window will appear showing a parameter list.

  9. Here click “Read all” and the values will be read from the control.
    If does not read successfully, first do Step 10)

  10. Double-click the line for password. The “Password Level 2” by default is: “0002

  11. after double-clicking to a line you can change the values.