
if you interface easYgen-3x00-y to 3rd party AVRs make sure that they are not backfiring - ナレッジベース / easYgen-3000XT - Power Generation

if you interface easYgen-3x00-y to 3rd party AVRs make sure that they are not backfiring


Some AVRs on the market have the negative behavior to backfire on easYgen-3000 Voltage regulation PID output. easYgen-3000 controls Speed& voltage PID outputs are galvanic isolated 

Some AVR manuals indication an galvanic isolation of 500VAC like this PDF. 


For speed  controls and ECUs this behavior is not applicable as those are 12/24VDC powered.

Technical Specification of old easYgen-3x00 analog PID outputs. 

Technical Specification of new easYgen-3x00XT (no external galvanic isolation required)  having higher galvanic isolation level: