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Old legacy MFR2/3, GCP-2x/3x CAN Protocol software option for easYgen-3000XT - Knowledgebase / easYgen-3000XT / communication - Power Generation

Old legacy MFR2/3, GCP-2x/3x CAN Protocol software option for easYgen-3000XT

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Software Licensing Option P/N 10-030-825   SOFTWARE LEGACY CAN SUPPORT PACKAGE

enabling easYgen-3100XT,3200XT, 3400XT-P1/P2 and 3500XT-P1/P2 controls to provide old MFR2/3 GCP-3x CANbus Protocol to communicate to 

Gateway GW4's or upper PLC control systems

Keep in mind that this software kit not provide  LS-4 connectivity.

Loadsharing to legacy GCP-2x/3x/MFR2/3 requires a Woodward Loadshare Gateway LSG .