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Connect DTSC-200 or 200A to an easYlite-100 remote annunicator - Knowledgebase / DTSC-200 - Power Generation

Connect DTSC-200 or 200A to an easYlite-100 remote annunicator

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DTSC -200 external DIs:

Status external DI 2 is active as long as the “Acknowledge” button at the easYlite-100 is pressed.

Status external DI 3 is active if a fault is latched in the easYlite-100.

DTSC -200 external DOs:

The external DOs 1-14 control the 14 LEDs at the paper strip.

DO 15 controls the LED with the icon „Oil Pressure“

DO 16 controls the LED with the icon „Coolant temp.“

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DTSC-200 /200A are connected to easYlite-100 only, easYlite-200 is not supported so far.

Keep in mind if an easYlite-100 is connected to DTSC-200/200A , IKD1M expansion card cannot added additionaly to easYlite-100.